Mesothelioma Settlements

Understanding Mesothelioma Settlements

Mesothelioma settlements play a critical role in providing compensation to individuals or their families who have been affected by mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma, a rare and aggressive cancer, primarily affects the thin lining of tissue surrounding vital organs, such as the lungs and abdomen. It is predominantly caused by exposure to asbestos, a mineral once widely used in industries like construction, shipbuilding, and manufacturing due to its heat resistance and insulation properties. When asbestos fibers are inhaled or ingested, they can become lodged in the body’s tissues, resulting in inflammation, scarring, and eventually the development of mesothelioma, often decades after exposure.

Asbestos exposure is the primary risk factor for developing mesothelioma, with individuals who worked in industries where asbestos was commonly used being at the highest risk. Despite the well-documented dangers of asbestos exposure, many companies neglected to adequately protect their workers or inform them of the risks associated with asbestos-containing materials.

Mesothelioma settlements are crucial in providing financial compensation to victims of mesothelioma or their families. These settlements aim to cover medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages caused by mesothelioma. The amount of the settlement varies depending on factors such as the severity of the illness, the extent of asbestos exposure, and the negligence of the responsible parties involved.

Types of Asbestos Settlements

Individual Settlements: Individual settlements are agreements between a single mesothelioma victim (or their family) and the defendants, providing compensation for damages incurred due to asbestos exposure, such as medical expenses and lost wages.

Class Action Settlements: Class action settlements involve a group of plaintiffs collectively suing asbestos manufacturers or companies responsible for asbestos exposure, often resulting in a single settlement amount distributed among the plaintiffs based on predefined criteria.

Trust Fund Settlements: Trust fund settlements involve compensation provided from asbestos trust funds established by bankrupt asbestos companies to compensate victims of asbestos-related diseases, including mesothelioma, based on predetermined criteria and eligibility requirements.

Structured Settlements: Structured settlements involve periodic payments made to mesothelioma victims (or their families) over an agreed-upon period, rather than a lump sum payment, providing financial stability and security for ongoing medical expenses and other needs.

Global Settlements: Global settlements encompass agreements between multiple plaintiffs and defendants to resolve all claims related to asbestos exposure, providing a comprehensive resolution to litigation and avoiding the need for individual trials.

Tort System Settlements: Tort system settlements involve compensation obtained through the traditional legal process of filing lawsuits against asbestos manufacturers or companies responsible for asbestos exposure, where settlements are negotiated based on the merits of each case.

Frequently Asked Questions about Mesothelioma Settlements and Lawsuits

1. What is a mesothelioma settlement?

A mesothelioma settlement is a legal agreement between a mesothelioma victim (or their family) and the defendants, typically asbestos manufacturers or companies responsible for asbestos exposure. It provides compensation to the victim or their family in exchange for dropping the lawsuit.

2. What types of compensation can be obtained through a mesothelioma settlement?

Mesothelioma settlements typically cover various damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and loss of consortium. The specific compensation depends on factors such as the severity of the illness, the extent of asbestos exposure, and the defendant’s liability.

3. How long does it take to reach a mesothelioma settlement?

The timeframe for reaching a mesothelioma settlement varies case by case. Some cases may settle relatively quickly, while others may take longer, depending on factors like the complexity of the case and the willingness of the defendants to negotiate.

4. What is a mesothelioma lawsuit?

A mesothelioma lawsuit is a legal action filed by a mesothelioma victim (or their family) against companies responsible for their asbestos exposure. The goal of the lawsuit is to seek compensation for the damages caused by the illness.

5. What is the process for filing a mesothelioma lawsuit?

The process typically involves gathering evidence, filing the lawsuit in court, conducting discovery (exchanging information), negotiating with the defendants, and potentially going to trial if a settlement cannot be reached.

6. How much compensation can I expect from a mesothelioma lawsuit?

The amount of compensation varies depending on factors such as the severity of the illness, the extent of asbestos exposure, the defendant’s liability, and the jurisdiction. An experienced mesothelioma lawyer can help evaluate your case and estimate potential compensation.

7. Are there time limits for filing a mesothelioma lawsuit?

Yes, each state has its own statute of limitations, which sets a deadline for filing a mesothelioma lawsuit. It’s crucial to contact a lawyer as soon as possible after diagnosis to ensure compliance with these deadlines and preserve your legal rights.

8. What happens if the defendant declares bankruptcy?

In cases where the defendant has declared bankruptcy due to asbestos litigation, victims may still be able to seek compensation through asbestos trust funds set up as part of the bankruptcy process. An experienced mesothelioma lawyer can help navigate these complex legal proceedings.

There Are 4 Primary Types of Mesothelioma Settlements:

  • Product Liability– Can be filed against companies that manufactured and distributed asbestos products.
  • Medical Malpractice– Can be filed against doctors or hospitals if they misdiagnose, or delay your diagnosis of Mesothelioma.
  • Workers Compensation– Can be filed against an employer if you were exposed to asbestos while on the job.
  • Wrongful Death– Can be filed against asbestos manufacturers, asbestos distributors, or an employer of a product containing asbestos that directly caused a person’s death if their actions constituted Settlement for a deceased worker’s safety.

Main factors that will determine your case value include:

  • Type of mesothelioma diagnosis
  • Number of asbestos companies named in the lawsuit
  • Number of bankrupt asbestos companies named in the lawsuit
  • Survival prognosis of the mesothelioma patient
  • Number of asbestos-containing products named in the lawsuit
  • Years of exposure to asbestos
  • Funds still available from asbestos companies
  • Filing within your state’s statute of limitations

Timeline for Mesothelioma Settlements

A timeline for mesothelioma settlements typically involves several stages:

  1. Diagnosis: The individual is diagnosed with mesothelioma, often triggered by asbestos exposure years or even decades earlier.
  2. Consultation: The individual or their family consults with a mesothelioma lawyer to assess their case and explore legal options for seeking compensation.
  3. Legal Proceedings: The lawyer files a lawsuit on behalf of the individual against the responsible parties, such as asbestos manufacturers or employers, alleging negligence or wrongful exposure.
  4. Discovery: Both parties exchange information and evidence related to the case, including medical records, employment history, and details of asbestos exposure.
  5. Negotiation: The parties engage in settlement negotiations, facilitated by the legal representatives, to reach a mutually agreeable compensation amount.
  6. Settlement Agreement: If an agreement is reached, a settlement agreement is drafted outlining the terms and conditions, including the amount of compensation and any other relevant provisions.
  7. Approval: The settlement agreement is reviewed and approved by the court to ensure fairness and legality.
  8. Payment: Once approved, the settlement amount is disbursed to the individual or their family, providing financial relief for medical expenses, lost income, and other damages associated with mesothelioma.
  9. Conclusion: With the settlement reached and compensation received, the legal proceedings come to a close, bringing a resolution to the mesothelioma lawsuit.

Have A Question About Mesothelioma?

Our Mesothelioma Patient Advocates can answer questions about trust funds, treatments, settlements and other types of Mesothelioma compensation.

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Mesothelioma Payouts – Free Consultation

Our Mesothelioma Lawyers offer you a free no-obligation consultation to determine the merits of your case. During this time, the attorney will be able to access your case and determine your chances for filing a successful Mesothelioma lawsuit. It’s important that provide your Mesothelioma attorney with as much information as possible regarding your work history, asbestos exposure and current medical condition. During this time your lawyer will explain the legal process to you as it applies to Mesothelioma claims and inform you as to what your expectations should be for a successful outcome.

How a Mesothelioma Attorney Can Help

An Experienced Mesothelioma attorney will take the following steps to ensure that you receive just and fair compensation for your injuries:

  • A Mesothelioma lawyer will help you recover costly mesothelioma Loss of Life expenses.
  • A Mesothelioma lawyer will help you recover loss of income.
  • A Mesothelioma lawyer will help you get diagnosed with proper medical testing.
  • A Mesothelioma lawyer will help you sort out which asbestos companies are liable in your Mesothelioma claim.
  • A Mesothelioma lawyer will help you obtain old records, legal documents and work records that are important to your case.
  • A Mesothelioma lawyer will help you identify asbestos-containing products used in your workplace or home.
  • A Mesothelioma Lawyer will guide you through each step of the legal process and answer any questions you may have.
  • A Mesothelioma lawyer will provide expert witnesses that have testified in other Mesothelioma cases.
  • A Mesothelioma lawyer will make sure that your claim is filed within your states statute of limitations.
  • A Mesothelioma will check your eligibility to see if you qualify for asbestos bankruptcy trust funds.

An experienced Mesothelioma lawyer will help you to file a Mesothelioma lawsuit to hold negligent asbestos manufacturers and asbestos companies accountable for the severe Settlement that comes with a Mesothelioma cancer diagnosis.

Recent Mesothelioma Verdicts

  • $4.6 Million Mesothelioma Settlement: Awarded to a union insulator who developed malignant Mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure.
  • $10.2 Million Mesothelioma Verdict: Awarded to a Paper Mill worker suffering from pleural Mesothelioma.
  • $8 Million Mesothelioma Award: Granted to a man diagnosed with Mesothelioma, including noneconomic damages and $1.5 Million for Loss of Lifes.
  • $1.2 Million Mesothelioma Settlement: Secured for a 76-year-old carpenter who developed malignant Mesothelioma.
  • $1.1 Million Veteran Mesothelioma Settlement: Obtained for a Navy veteran machinist who developed malignant Mesothelioma at age 71.
  • $245,000 Asbestosis Settlement: Reached for a Paper mill worker suffering from Asbestosis.
  • $2.5 Million Mesothelioma Settlement: Granted to a union pipefitter man who died from malignant Mesothelioma.
  • $2.6 Million Shipyard Worker Mesothelioma Settlement: Awarded to the family of a 72-year-old shipyard worker with Mesothelioma who suffered second-hand exposure.
  • $5 Million Navy Veteran Mesothelioma Verdict: Awarded to a Navy Boilerman who developed Mesothelioma during his service.
  • $1.8 Million Mesothelioma Settlement: Obtained for a carpenter who developed malignant Mesothelioma at age 68.
  • $7.5 Million Mesothelioma Verdict: Granted to a woman who developed peritoneal Mesothelioma from laundering her husband’s work clothes.

TO GET HELP – Our Nationwide Toll-Free Mesothelioma Helpline Number is 888.640.0914

Diagnosed With Mesothelioma?

If you or a family member has a malignant Mesothelioma diagnosis, you are going to have a lot of questions about living with Mesothelioma and what legal options you have against asbestos manufacturers and asbestos companies for your asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma is a seriously deadly disease. According to the American Cancer Society, with the average survival time for people with Mesothelioma is 4-18 months.

Call TOLL-FREE 888.640.0914 now to talk with a live Mesothelioma Counselor that can answer your questions and give you the peace of mind that you need.

Family Member Died From Mesothelioma?

If you have a family member that has died from Mesothelioma cancer, immediately consult with an experienced Mesothelioma lawyer about your available compensation from asbestos trust funds.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you file your Mesothelioma claim within your states Statute of Limitations.

We have seen many families lose their right to file a lawsuit because their Statute of Limitations had expired while they were grieving. Although there is a tremendous mourning period with the loss of a loved one, it is crucial not to let your Statute of Limitations expire before filing a Mesothelioma lawsuit. In most states, the Statute of Limitations is 2-3 years. Some states have a 6-year Statute of Limitations.

Mesothelioma Latency Period

Mesothelioma has a long latency period of 10-50 years. Many Veterans, Shipyard Workers, Construction Workers, Power Plant Workers, Mill Workers, Steel Workers, Railroad Workers, Pipefitters, Insulators, Electricians, Carpenters, Welders, Auto Mechanics, Veterans, Factory Workers, and laborers are living in the early stages of a variety of asbestos-related diseases. Many Mesothelioma lawyers will not accept asbestosis, asbestos lung cancer, pleural plaques, pleural thickening, colon cancer, and esophageal cancer cases.

Mesothelioma Lawsuit – Representation Fees

Bringing Mesothelioma Lawsuits to trial can be expensive. If a Mesothelioma lawyer requests money from you to cover case expenses, it’s advisable to seek assistance elsewhere. All Mesothelioma and asbestos-related cases operate on a “contingency-based” fee structure, meaning there are no upfront expenses for you or your family. Mesothelioma lawyers earn their fees by successfully litigating against asbestos companies, and their compensation is contingent upon your success.

When a settlement is reached, your lawyer receives a percentage of the total compensation as payment for their services, including their time, travel, and other case-related expenses. Typically, this percentage falls within the range of 33% to 40% after deducting costs. It’s essential to have a thorough discussion with your attorney about the specifics of fees and what the contingency fees cover to prevent any potential issues or uncertainties down the road.

Mesothelioma Lawsuit – Free Consultation

Our Mesothelioma Lawyers offer a free, no-obligation consultation to assess the merits of your case. During this consultation, the attorney will evaluate your case and determine the likelihood of a successful Mesothelioma lawsuit. It’s crucial to be honest and provide comprehensive information about your work history, asbestos exposure, and current medical condition to your Mesothelioma attorney. Additionally, your lawyer will explain the legal process as it pertains to Mesothelioma claims and set realistic expectations for a successful outcome.

Mesothelioma Lawsuit Settlements

The value of your Mesothelioma lawsuit depends on several factors, including the extent of your exposure to asbestos-containing products, the number of defendants (asbestos companies) involved, your age, earning capacity, and overall health. Mesothelioma cancers are directly linked to asbestos exposure.

There is a long history of asbestos companies engaging in dishonest practices, deception, fraud, and conspiracies to conceal the hazards of asbestos exposure from their employees. Many asbestos companies knowingly deceived their workers about safety measures that could have prevented Mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases. A Mesothelioma diagnosis often results in financial strain, loss of income, medical expenses, and treatments that may not be covered by health insurance. Pursuing a Mesothelioma lawsuit can help alleviate these additional financial burdens.

There are More Than 30 Billion Dollars Set Aside for Mesothelioma and Asbestos Victims in Asbestos Bankruptcy Trusts

Mesothelioma Claims: Mesothelioma Damages

If you’ve received a diagnosis of Mesothelioma, it’s crucial to understand that you may be eligible to seek compensation for a wide range of damages. This guide will help you navigate the complex world of Mesothelioma claims, offering insights into the various types of damages you may be entitled to recover. From Mesothelioma-specific damages to economic, medical, and even punitive damages, we’ll break down what each entails, ensuring you have the knowledge you need when considering legal action. Your journey to seeking rightful compensation starts here.

Disfigurement Damages (past and future)
Economic Damages (past and future)
End of Life Cost Damages
Exemplary Damages
Funeral Expense Damages
Future Economic Damages
General Damages
Gross Negligence Damages
Loss of Companionship
Loss of Consortium Damages
Loss of Earning Capacity Damages
Loss of Life Damages
Loss of Wages Damages (past and future)
Medical Expense Damages
Mental Anguish Damages
Monetary Compensation Damages
Nominal Damages
Non-Economic Damages
Pain and Suffering Damages
Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Damages
Physical Impairment Damages (past and future)
Punitive Damages
Treble Damages
Workers Compensation Damages
Wrongful Death Claims


When confronted with the devastating impact of a mesothelioma diagnosis resulting from asbestos exposure, pursuing legal action becomes a crucial step towards securing the compensation you rightly deserve. Our team is here to assist you in initiating a mesothelioma lawsuit with an experienced mesothelioma attorney, ensuring the protection of your rights and the delivery of justice. Discover today which Asbestos Trust Funds you may be eligible for to receive compensation.


Scheduling a free case consultation is your first step toward seeking justice in mesothelioma cancer lawsuits. We are ready to assess your unique situation and provide the guidance you will need during this challenging time. Take this essential step toward pursuing fair compensation for your mesothelioma-related injuries.


When dealing with the complexities of mesothelioma cancer lawsuits, getting help from an experienced injury attorney is crucial. For more than 24 years, we have assisted workers, veterans, and families in obtaining the compensation they deserved from negligent asbestos companies. Contact us at 888.640.0914 to secure the support you will need throughout your pursuit of fair and just compensation.

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Mesothelioma Lawsuit Damages - Loss of wagesComplete our free Mesothelioma case evaluation form, and one of our case representatives will call you within 24 hours to assist in starting your claim immediately, at no cost to you.

For immediate assistance, you can also reach us by calling our Mesothelioma Toll-Free Helpline at 888.640.0914 or using our 24-Hour Live Chat. Get help today!

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Mesothelioma Lawsuit Settlements