Army Corps of Engineers Housing

Army Corps of Engineers Housing, Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma Lawsuits

The Army Corps of Engineers has been involved in the construction and management of military housing facilities across the United States, many of which were built during periods when asbestos was commonly used in construction materials. Asbestos-containing products such as insulation, flooring, roofing materials, and piping were often incorporated into these housing structures due to their fire-resistant and insulating properties. As a result, military personnel, their families, and civilian employees residing in Army Corps housing were at risk of asbestos exposure.

Exposure to asbestos fibers can occur when these materials become damaged, deteriorate over time, or are disturbed during renovation or repair work. Inhalation of asbestos fibers can lead to serious health issues, including mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis, which may develop years or decades after initial exposure. Consequently, individuals who lived or worked in Army Corps housing and subsequently developed asbestos-related diseases have pursued legal action against manufacturers, suppliers, and the Army Corps of Engineers itself. Mesothelioma lawsuits seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering resulting from asbestos exposure, highlighting the ongoing consequences of asbestos use in military housing and the importance of ensuring safe living environments for service members and their families.

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Army Corps of Engineers Workers Occupation List – A-Z

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History of Army Corps of Engineers Hosing Asbestos Exposure

Throughout the history of Army Corps of Engineers housing, asbestos was extensively used in construction materials due to its fire-resistant and insulating properties. Military personnel and their families residing in these housing facilities were inadvertently exposed to asbestos fibers, primarily found in insulation, flooring, roofing materials, and piping. Asbestos exposure occurred through routine activities like maintenance, repair, and renovation, where disturbed asbestos materials released microscopic fibers into the air.

Over time, the deteriorating asbestos-containing materials posed a significant health risk to residents. Inhalation of asbestos fibers can lead to severe respiratory illnesses such as mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis, often manifesting years or decades after initial exposure. Consequently, individuals who resided in Army Corps housing and developed asbestos-related diseases pursued legal action against manufacturers, suppliers, and the Army Corps of Engineers.

Mesothelioma lawsuits sought compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering incurred as a result of asbestos exposure in military housing. These legal proceedings underscore the lasting consequences of asbestos use in construction and the importance of ensuring safe living environments for service members and their families.

FAQs about Army Corps of Engineers Housing, Asbestos Exposure, and Mesothelioma Lawsuits

1. What is the Army Corps of Engineers’ role in housing construction?

The Army Corps of Engineers oversees the design, construction, and maintenance of military housing facilities across the United States.

2. Was asbestos commonly used in Army Corps housing construction?

Yes, asbestos was frequently utilized in Army Corps housing construction due to its fire-resistant and insulating properties.

3. How were individuals exposed to asbestos in Army Corps housing?

Exposure to asbestos occurred through routine activities such as maintenance, repair, and renovation, where disturbed asbestos-containing materials released microscopic fibers into the air.

4. What health risks are associated with asbestos exposure?

Exposure to asbestos can lead to serious respiratory illnesses, including mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis, which may develop years or even decades after initial exposure.

5. What legal actions have been taken regarding asbestos exposure in Army Corps housing?

Individuals who developed asbestos-related diseases after residing in Army Corps housing have pursued mesothelioma lawsuits against manufacturers, suppliers, and the Army Corps of Engineers, seeking compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

6. How can individuals affected by asbestos exposure seek help or compensation?

Individuals exposed to asbestos in Army Corps housing and subsequently diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases can seek legal assistance to explore their options for compensation, including filing lawsuits against responsible parties or accessing compensation funds set up for asbestos victims. Additionally, medical professionals can provide guidance and treatment options for asbestos-related illnesses.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Housing Types with Asbestos Exposure

Army Corps of Engineers personnel tasked with the construction, maintenance, and renovation of military housing units were inadvertently exposed to asbestos. During the construction phase, workers handling asbestos-containing materials such as insulation, roofing, flooring, and piping faced direct exposure to airborne asbestos fibers. Additionally, maintenance and repair activities in these housing units, including routine inspections and renovations, could disturb asbestos materials, leading to the release of hazardous fibers into the air. As a result, Army Corps personnel, including engineers, construction workers, and maintenance staff, were at risk of inhaling asbestos fibers, potentially leading to serious respiratory illnesses such as mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis. Despite efforts to ensure the safety of military housing, the widespread use of asbestos in construction materials highlights the historical challenges and health risks associated with asbestos exposure in Army Corps housing projects.

Bachelor Enlisted Quarters (BEQ): Army Corps BEQ facilities, constructed with asbestos-containing materials such as insulation and piping, exposed enlisted personnel to fibers during maintenance, repair, and renovation activities, posing inhalation risks to occupants.

Barracks: Army Corps barracks, constructed with asbestos-containing materials like insulation and flooring, exposed military personnel to fibers during routine maintenance, renovation, and repair activities, posing inhalation risks to occupants.

Dormitories: Asbestos-containing materials like insulation and flooring were prevalent in Army Corps dormitories, exposing military personnel to fibers during routine maintenance, renovation, and repair tasks, leading to potential inhalation exposure for residents.

Family Housing Units: Asbestos was commonly used in Army Corps family housing units for insulation, roofing, and piping, exposing military families to fibers during maintenance, repair, and renovation tasks, leading to potential inhalation exposure.

Military Apartments: Army Corps military apartments contained asbestos-containing materials like insulation and flooring, exposing military personnel and their families to fibers during routine maintenance, renovation, and repair activities, posing inhalation risks.

Officer Housing: Asbestos was used in Army Corps officer housing for insulation, roofing, and flooring, exposing military officers and their families to fibers during maintenance, repair, and renovation tasks, leading to potential inhalation exposure.

Officer Quarters: Army Corps officer quarters utilized asbestos-containing materials in construction, including insulation and flooring, exposing military officers to fibers during maintenance, repair, and renovation activities, posing inhalation risks to occupants.

Quonset Huts: Quonset huts constructed by the Army Corps utilized asbestos-containing materials for insulation and roofing, exposing military personnel to fibers during maintenance, repair, and renovation tasks, leading to potential inhalation exposure.

Top 50 Army Corps of Engineers Occupations and Asbestos Exposure

The Army Corps of Engineers and its personnel faced asbestos exposure risks during their military service due to the historical use of asbestos-containing materials in construction and infrastructure. Engineers and construction crews, in particular, encountered asbestos-containing insulation, tiles, cement products, and more. These materials were widely employed in the construction of facilities, exposing personnel to airborne asbestos fibers during maintenance, repair, and construction activities. Asbestos exposure is concerning because it can lead to severe health issues, including mesothelioma and lung cancer, with symptoms often emerging years after initial exposure.

Occupations with Significant Asbestos Exposure: How They Were Exposed

1. Construction Workers: Exposed to asbestos through handling construction materials like insulation and cement products in buildings and infrastructure projects.

2. Pipefitters: Installed and repaired asbestos-containing pipe insulation and gaskets in plumbing and heating systems, risking direct exposure.

3. Electricians: Installed electrical systems with asbestos-containing materials, including wiring insulation and electrical components, increasing asbestos exposure risks.

4. Plumbers: Worked on plumbing systems containing asbestos materials, such as pipes and pipe insulation, leading to potential asbestos exposure.

5. HVAC Technicians: Installed heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems with asbestos-containing insulation, exposing them to asbestos fibers.

6. Boiler Technicians: Worked on boilers insulated with asbestos-containing materials, encountering asbestos exposure during maintenance and repair.

7. Painters: Applied asbestos-containing paint or coatings to structures, facing exposure while working on surfaces coated with asbestos.

8. Insulators: Installed asbestos insulation in buildings and industrial equipment, leading to direct exposure to asbestos fibers.

9. Welders: Exposed to asbestos when welding or cutting materials with asbestos-containing insulation or coatings.

10. Mechanics: Repaired vehicles and equipment with asbestos-containing brakes, gaskets, and insulation, risking asbestos exposure during maintenance.

11. Roofers: Worked with asbestos-containing roofing materials during installation and repair, facing asbestos exposure risks.

12. Carpenters: Exposed to asbestos during construction projects involving materials like insulation, siding, and roofing.

13. Sheet Metal Workers: Fabricated and installed metal structures with asbestos-containing materials, encountering asbestos exposure.

14. Masons: Worked on construction projects involving asbestos-containing mortar, bricks, or cement products, risking asbestos exposure.

15. Flooring Installers: Installed flooring materials that contained asbestos backing or adhesives, leading to potential asbestos exposure.

16. Laborers: Exposed to asbestos during general construction and maintenance tasks involving asbestos-containing materials.

17. Heavy Equipment Operators: Operated machinery near asbestos-containing construction materials, risking asbestos exposure.

18. Demolition Workers: Exposed during demolitions of older structures with asbestos-containing materials in various construction components.

19. Abatement Workers: Removed asbestos-containing materials and conducted asbestos abatement procedures, facing direct asbestos exposure.

20. Environmental Engineers: Assessed sites with asbestos-containing materials, encountering asbestos exposure risks during environmental assessments.

21. Safety Inspectors: Overseeing safety procedures in workplaces with asbestos hazards, facing asbestos exposure during inspections.

22. Welding Inspectors: Inspected structures with asbestos insulation, potentially encountering asbestos exposure during inspections.

23. Environmental Consultants: Assessed environmental risks at sites with asbestos materials, risking asbestos exposure during assessments.

24. Security System Installers: Worked in buildings with asbestos-containing fireproofing and insulation, facing potential asbestos exposure.

25. Elevator Mechanics: Handled asbestos-containing materials in elevators during installation and maintenance, risking asbestos exposure.

26. Elevator Inspectors: Inspected elevators with asbestos components, potentially encountering asbestos exposure during inspections.

27. Soundproofing Installers: Installed soundproofing materials containing asbestos, facing asbestos exposure risks during installations.

28. Refrigeration Technicians: Maintained and repaired refrigeration systems with asbestos insulation, potentially exposing them to asbestos fibers.

29. Laboratory Technicians: Exposed when conducting tests on materials containing asbestos, risking asbestos exposure in laboratories.

30. Safety Officers: Overseen safety procedures in workplaces with asbestos hazards, encountering asbestos exposure during safety inspections.

31. Drafting Technicians: Prepared technical drawings involving asbestos materials, risking asbestos exposure through drafting.

32. Material Handlers: Handled asbestos-containing materials during transportation and storage, facing asbestos exposure risks.

33. Geotechnical Engineers: Assessed sites with asbestos-containing materials in the ground, potentially encountering asbestos exposure during assessments.

34. Geophysicists: Conducted geophysical surveys of areas with asbestos-containing materials, facing asbestos exposure during surveys.

35. Radiation Technicians: Worked with radiation equipment in areas with asbestos materials, risking asbestos exposure during their work.

36. Environmental Scientists: Assessed environmental risks at sites with asbestos-containing materials, encountering asbestos exposure during assessments.

37. Crane Operators: Operated cranes near asbestos-containing construction materials, risking asbestos exposure during operations.

38. Surveyors: Inspected structures and buildings with asbestos-containing materials, potentially encountering asbestos exposure during surveys.

39. Heavy Machinery Mechanics: Repaired heavy machinery with asbestos-containing components, risking asbestos exposure during maintenance.

40. Drafting Technicians: Prepared technical drawings that involved asbestos materials, facing asbestos exposure during drafting.

41. Geotechnical Engineers: Assessed sites with asbestos-containing materials in the ground, potentially encountering asbestos exposure during assessments.

42. Geophysicists: Conducted geophysical surveys of areas with asbestos-containing materials, facing asbestos exposure during surveys.

43. Radiation Technicians: Worked with radiation equipment in areas with asbestos materials, risking asbestos exposure during their work.

44. Environmental Scientists: Assessed environmental risks at sites with asbestos-containing materials, encountering asbestos exposure during assessments.

45. Crane Operators: Operated cranes near asbestos-containing construction materials, risking asbestos exposure during operations.

46. Surveyors: Inspected structures and buildings with asbestos-containing materials, potentially encountering asbestos exposure during surveys.

47. Heavy Machinery Mechanics: Repaired heavy machinery with asbestos-containing components, risking asbestos exposure during maintenance.

48. Drafting Technicians: Prepared technical drawings that involved asbestos materials, facing asbestos exposure during drafting.

49. Geotechnical Engineers: Assessed sites with asbestos-containing materials in the ground, potentially encountering asbestos exposure during assessments.

50. Geophysicists: Conducted geophysical surveys of areas with asbestos-containing materials, facing asbestos exposure during surveys.

These descriptions illustrate how various Army Corps of Engineers occupations were exposed to asbestos during their work.

TO GET HELP – Our Nationwide Toll-Free Mesothelioma Helpline Number is 888.640.0914

Military Veterans and Asbestos Exposure: How They Were Exposed

Air Force Veterans Army Corps of Engineers Bases Legal Rights for Veterans
Air National Guard Army Corps of Engineers Housing Mesothelioma 24/7 Helpline
Army Corps of Engineers Army Corps of Engineers Equipment Retired Veterans
Army National Guard Army Corps of Engineers Vehicles VA Recommended Scans
Army Veterans  Aircraft Buildings VA Treatment Centers
Civilian Contractors Ammunition Depots Veterans at Risk
Coast Guard Veterans Boiler Rooms Veterans Mesothelioma Claims
Korean War Veterans Cafeteria Mess Halls Veterans Mesothelioma Guide
Merchant Marines Engine Rooms Navy Workers Occupation List – A-Z
Military Veterans Fire Rooms U. S. Navy Ships
National Guard Veterans Machine Shops
Navy Veterans Military Aircraft U. S. MEDICAL VETERANS
Retired Veterans Military Bases
Seabees Military Buildings Air Force Nurse Corps
U. S. Marine Veterans Military Equipment Hospital Ships
Vietnam War Veterans Military Personnel Military Chaplains
WW 2 Veterans Military Vehicles Military Doctors
Missile Bases Military Housing
U. S. WOMEN VETERANS Navigation Rooms Military Medical Centers
Navy Housing Military Nurses
SPARS – U. S. Coast Guard Women’s Reserve Navy Installations Navy Nurse Corps
U. S. Marine Corps Women’s Reserves Navy Shipyards
WAF – Women in the Air Force Radar Stations Thank You For Your Military Service!
WASP – Women Air Force Service Pilots  Sleeping Quarters
WAVES – Women in the Navy Vehicle Motor Pools
Women Veterans
Women’s Army Corps WACS

Malignant Mesothelioma Cancer

Malignant Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that affects the lining of the lungs, abdomen, heart, and major organs in the body. Mesothelioma cancer cells are in the sac lining the chest (pleura) or the abdomen (peritoneum). There are about 3,000 new fatal Mesothelioma cases diagnosed each year in the U. S. If you are experiencing any Mesothelioma symptoms, you should contact a doctor immediately.

Diagnosed With Mesothelioma?

If you or a family member has a malignant Mesothelioma diagnosis, you are going to have a lot of questions about living with Mesothelioma and what legal options you have against asbestos manufacturers and asbestos companies for your asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma is a seriously deadly disease. According to the American Cancer Society, with the average survival time for people with Mesothelioma is 4-18 months.

Call TOLL-FREE 888.640.0914 now to talk with a live Mesothelioma Counselor that can answer your questions and give you the peace of mind that you need.

Family Member Died from Mesothelioma?

If you have a family member that has died from Mesothelioma cancer, immediately consult with an experienced Mesothelioma lawyer about your available compensation from asbestos trust funds.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you file your Mesothelioma claim within your states Statute of Limitations.

We have seen many families lose their right to file a lawsuit because their Statute of Limitations had expired while they were grieving. Although there is a tremendous mourning period with the loss of a loved one, it is crucial not to let your Statute of Limitations expire before filing a Mesothelioma lawsuit. In most states, the Statute of Limitations is 2-3 years. Some states have a 6-year Statute of Limitations.

There are More Than 30 Billion Dollars Set Aside for Mesothelioma and Asbestos Victims in Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust Funds

What to Expect with a Free Mesothelioma Consultation

Expert Evaluation: Experienced attorneys will carefully review your case, including your medical history and asbestos exposure, to determine the strength of your claim.

Understanding Your Diagnosis: Attorneys will explain your mesothelioma diagnosis, its causes, and the potential legal options available to you.

Legal Guidance: You will receive expert legal advice tailored to your unique circumstances, helping you make informed decisions about pursuing legal action.

Eligibility Assessment: Attorneys will assess your eligibility for compensation, including potential asbestos trust fund claims, lawsuits, or other avenues for seeking damages.

Case Strategy: They will outline a personalized legal strategy, including the types of compensation you may be entitled to, such as medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering.

Explaining the Process: You’ll gain insights into the legal process, including what to expect, key milestones, and approximate timelines.

Answering Questions: Attorneys will address any questions or concerns you have about your case, ensuring you have a clear understanding of your options.

Compassionate Support: You’ll receive empathetic and compassionate support as you navigate the complexities of a mesothelioma lawsuit.

No Upfront Costs: Importantly, a free consultation means there are no upfront fees or obligations, allowing you to explore your legal options risk-free.

Next Steps: Based on the consultation, you can decide on the next steps, whether to proceed with legal action or take other appropriate measures to seek justice and compensation for your mesothelioma diagnosis.

A mesothelioma consultation is an essential first step towards understanding your rights and potential legal recourse as you face the challenges of a mesothelioma diagnosis.

Mesothelioma Claims: Mesothelioma Damages

If you’ve received a diagnosis of Mesothelioma, it’s crucial to understand that you may be eligible to seek compensation for a wide range of damages. This guide will help you navigate the complex world of Mesothelioma claims, offering insights into the various types of damages you may be entitled to recover. From Mesothelioma-specific damages to economic, medical, and even punitive damages, we’ll break down what each entails, ensuring you have the knowledge you need when considering legal action. Your journey to seeking rightful compensation starts here.

Disfigurement Damages (past and future)
Economic Damages (past and future)
End of Life Cost Damages
Exemplary Damages
Funeral Expense Damages
Future Economic Damages
General Damages
Gross Negligence Damages
Loss of Companionship
Loss of Consortium Damages
Loss of Earning Capacity Damages
Loss of Life Damages
Loss of Wages Damages (past and future)
Medical Expense Damages
Mental Anguish Damages
Monetary Compensation Damages
Nominal Damages
Non-Economic Damages
Pain and Suffering Damages
Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Damages
Physical Impairment Damages (past and future)
Punitive Damages
Treble Damages
Workers Compensation Damages
Wrongful Death Claims


When confronted with the devastating impact of a mesothelioma diagnosis resulting from asbestos exposure, pursuing legal action becomes a crucial step towards securing the compensation you rightly deserve. Our team is here to assist you in initiating a mesothelioma lawsuit with an experienced mesothelioma attorney, ensuring the protection of your rights and the delivery of justice. Discover today which Asbestos Trust Funds you may be eligible for to receive compensation.


Scheduling a free case consultation is your first step toward seeking justice in mesothelioma cancer lawsuits. We are ready to assess your unique situation and provide the guidance you will need during this challenging time. Take this essential step toward pursuing fair compensation for your mesothelioma-related injuries.


When dealing with the complexities of mesothelioma cancer lawsuits, getting help from an experienced injury attorney is crucial. For more than 24 years, we have assisted workers, veterans, and families in obtaining the compensation they deserved from negligent asbestos companies. Contact us at 888.640.0914 to secure the support you will need throughout your pursuit of fair and just compensation.

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Mesothelioma Lawsuit: Brake Mechanics and Asbestos Exposure

Complete our free Mesothelioma case evaluation form, and one of our case representatives will call you within 24 hours to assist in starting your claim immediately, at no cost to you.

For immediate assistance, you can also reach us by calling our Mesothelioma Toll-Free Helpline at 888.640.0914 or using our 24-Hour Live Chat. Get help today!

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Army Corps of Engineers Housing, Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma Lawsuits